Anyway, there is some pic here to show abiiit..XD
SEATS for VIP! including Us too=P
more pics coming up...
So, about my job at HSBC. The HR department sent me to Investment services department. I was totally blurr on the first day. I seriously dun get what izzit about for investment services. But after yesterday and today i kinda got it and understand what are my colleagues doing and did help ABIIT le..lols Nice and friendly colleagues i met there and even the boss for that department was so cool and stylish! Haaha. I'm under a girl named Josephine. Thank God that she is kinda friendly and patient to teach and guide me.I believe i can really learn things and gain experience thru this job.Oh yea! Not to forget to blog about this...When the 1st day i went in for report duty is about lunch time and the whole team of them invited me for free lunch at 18th floor..kinda like CNY celebration we had 'lou sang'. LOLS i was kinda surprise and yesterday our department had dinner again with the fund club and other departments I din know they've got so many programmes n celebration before CNY. So my colleagues said i came at the right time and very lucky! waakakaka..
SoooOOOo,what i gotta say!??HMmm.. basically I'm enjoying myself working at HSBC,although i have to wake up early to catch the train till dere..lols I hope one day i could really make use for the team as one of the staff there. I will definitely try my best to learn and work hard =)
Working is not only earning for money but is also to learn by gaining experience from the mistakes we've done and most importantly to change ourself to a better person.=P
```TIMES UP```
Nites peeps!xD
Wa..Amanda yr seat is so nice!! Glad to hear dat u really enjoying there.. How i wish i can faster get a job 2..
Thank you! OKayle was fine here..Yea u got your job liao! Congrats to you !!! =P
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