Saturday, January 9, 2010

War is Near.

She is Amandalicious. Remember?!

The title tells it all. Yesterday morning 4 churches got burned by those protesters. My mum was telling me that they just aint different like those Indonesians. They were all really too much. They shouldn't have used violence to solve this problem. Since the court already made their decision to let the Christians to use the name. Then why not they just accept it?! Why would they so MKM and just couldn't obey the Law?! Saying "One Malaysia" Which really makes me laugh out loud! If we were really Satu M'sia then we wont be having such things like this to happened. Agree everyone?! I was totally sad to hear bout the news yesterday, I can't imagine some of my frens's church were get burned by them. A total shock when i saw the newspaper yesterday. Sigh. Why would all this things happened to the fair people?! Just like the same theory of why would bad things happened to good people and Good things happened to Bad people?! I really don't understand. Good people don't deserve to get all this. I really hope this case will soon be close and everything will back to normal. I hope the war will end soon. I pray that Our Lord God Almighty will cover all of us with the blood of Jesus and keep us protected in and out from the house. I pray that God's mighty hands will be upon us and send the angels to keep us surround, and the devil will be soon defeited. Devil! Even now u r very happy down there. But Our God RULE the world, Devil u didn't even stand an inche! We will soon declares victory with the name of JESUS! AMEN! =)
Alright. The 2nd war I'm talking about was about my finals exam. Next thursday will be my 1st paper. Business Communication. LOL! I seriously have no idea how to study. But I will definitely try my very very best this time. As I've promised some tutors like Mr. Lee and Miss Wong to study super hard for their subjects. As well as working hard to chase back my CGPA! I know I can do it with God's help. =) Today will be the last day On9-ing msn. Time to focus now. Alright. All the best to all Tarcians! GAMBATEH des yo!!! X)

I WILL BE BACK..... ..... ...

Ps : Wait for my updates bout my birthday and the rest! Alot more post to be publish! Stay tuned Peeps! =)

1st Post in 2010!
[Amanda-Licous saying miss her mooree! =P]

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