Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Yes, I'm so D-e-a-d.

Gahhh! I'm SO nervous now. Tomorrow result will be releasing at 10 a.m sharp. I know I did badly during last semester. Seriously. I just pray for all pass and I will be damn satisfied already. But it seems really hard for me to cross this border line this time. Omg. Sigh, what need to be done has already done. *FINGER CROSSED*
amanda A: I'm scare and nervous now..

amanda B: No use to be tense, for what has been done already done.

amanda A: Butt..tt..I really did so badly during last semester. Am so regret for being lazy. Do I deserve just a PASS for all?! I really hope tomorrow won't be a sad dayy for me. =(

amanda B: Bear in mind, u have done ur best and God will do the rest.

amanda A: Hmm, So..what can I do now??!

amanda B : All u need to do now is just go to bed, close ur eyes and have a good sweet dream. ;)
amanda A : Alright then. Hopefully tomorrow I will be wearing a =) instead of ='( *yawning*

Wish me all the best peeps. Tomorrow I shall know the answer.
Nites yo. *...Praying hard...*

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